Traffic Congestion and Reliability: Trends and Advanced Strategies for Congestion Mitigation

Full Report

This report provides a snapshot of congestion in the United States by summarizing recent trends in congestion, highlighting the role of travel time reliability in the effects of congestion, and describing efforts to reduce the growth of congestion.

Second in an annual series developed by the Federal Highway Administration's Office of Operations.

Mitigating congestion is a high priority for the Federal Highway Administration, which has established congestion mitigation as a key focus area. This report supports this effort by providing a review of congestion issues and solutions in the United States. The emphasis of the report is on measuring trends in travel time reliability and making travel more reliable through Transportation System Management and Operations (TSM&O) initiatives. The topic of congestion is clearly much broader than this focus. While the broader context of congestion is discussed, the report spends most its effort on defining and measuring travel time reliability, and highlighting TSM&O strategies to address it.

For More Information

Shawn Turner
(979) 317-2481
[email protected]


David Schrank
(979) 317-2464
[email protected]